Frequently asked questions
You will already find a lot of information about Schloss Biendorf on this website. Nevertheless, we are being asked the following questions frequently. Please find an overview of such questions below.
1. Is “Schloss Biendorf” a hotel?
No! Schloss Biendorf is first and foremost a privately owned and used castle. It is not obligated to operate the subject matter and the rooms can only be booked on previous reservation. Our core activity is to offer a location for “offsite-meetings” of management teams as well as supervisory boards, who would prefer to schedule their meeting in a calm location, without being disturbed by other guests. Other guests who would like to stay here for private reasons, for instance bed ‘n breakfast or children who would like to get lessons in horseback riding are – on previous reservation – also welcome of course.
2. So Schloss Biendorf consists of several buildings, but which building is for which type of guest?
Generally speaking, there are two types of guests: guests for offsite meetings and guests for bed ‘n breakfast. But of course there are also guests who would like to organize family events by using our facilities. The guests who are using our offsite-meeting-offer can use our conference rooms, luxurious suites and the wellness-area in the main building. The bed ‘n breakfast guests can use the facilities in the “tower” and “orangerie” which consist of simple, but modern rooms – even with SAT-TV. But we as your host of course, won’t distinguish in the way how we treat our guests: we offer each guest hospitality, the famous dutch flair, a nice and quiet ambience and excellent food.
3. How can I get more information?
Under “contact” on this website you can found our contact details. We would be happy to send you some more detailed information.